All travel grants have been attributed, submissions are not available anymore.
Please find below all the grants possibilities that are proposed to the PBA participants by our partners. Please read the descriptions carefully to check your eligibility and the process to submit your application.
We would like to sincerely thanks all our partners for these opportunities.

Centre of Competence in Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology (ccCTA)
The Centre of Competence in Analytical Chemistry and Toxicology (ccCTA) is offering four Travel Grants (500 CHF each) for early-career researchers to PBA 2024 in Geneva. Members of the ccCTA that are graduate students (Masters or PhD) or within 5 years post PhD while being in a training position can apply. The award will be selected through a review process by the ccCTA and PBA2024.
When you submit your abstract, please send a preliminary budget (, and simply check the box to be considered for a ccCTA Travel Award. Must attend the conference in person and present your work to receive the award payment.

The Chemical Society of Geneva
The Geneva Chemistry Society covers the registration fees for 2 students studying in Geneva in the field of chemistry or related (biochemistry, pharmacy…). To be eligible, candidates must submit a brief dossier (Motivation letter, CV) and a summary of a scientific work presented either as an oral communication or as a poster at PBA2024.
Applications and questions should be addressed to the President of the Geneva Chemistry Society, Dr. A. Poblador Bahamonde ( and the Vice-President, Dr. S. Cherkaoui ( Please also copy the PBA2024 secretariat (

Swiss Metabolomics Society
The Swiss Metabolomics Society is providing two Travel Grants in the amount of 300.00 CHF each. These awards are dedicated to assisting attendees from a Swiss institution presenting a communication on metabolomics at PBA2024. Candidates must be a PhD student or post-doc (within 5 years of obtaining PhD). The award will be selected through a review process by the PBA scientific committee.
When you submit your abstract, please send a preliminary budget (, and simply check the box to be considered for a Swiss Metabolomics Society Travel Award. Must attend the conference in person and present your work to receive the award payment.

PBA 2024 - Low and Middle Income Countries Support
PBA 2024 is offering four grants for participants coming from Low- and Middle-Income Countries (full list available here). Recipients will have their registration fees waived.
When you submit your abstract, check the box to be considered for the PBA 2024 grant.
In order to be eligible for the grant, you must have an accepted abstract (oral or poster) and be present at the conference.
The grants will be selected through a review process by the PBA2024 Organising Committee.

French Speaking Network of Fluxomics and and Metabolomics
Travel grants may be requested from the RFMF at any time for support of travel to present work in metabolomics. Please note that it is necessary to apply at least 3 months before the event. Please refer to the RFMF website for full details (in French,

SECyTA will sponsor grants for Ph.D. students and young Ph. D. researcher, members of SECyTA, to attend the conference and to present their work. The requirements for grant application is available on the SECyTA website (

French Speaking Separative Sciences Association (AFSEP)
These grants have already been attributed, submission is closed.